
The outreach phase of my school has finally begun, the adventure has started, and this means a number of things...I will be forced to live out of a backpack, sleep on floors, take many siestas!, use the little spanish I know, and meet new people everyday. Our team will be travelling around argentina for the next two months, volunteering, working in local churches, staying with families, and working alongside a group called "storytellers," helping them out with a documentary.
I cant even begin to explain how excited I am for this time...living in our apartment here in Buenos Aires reminds me a lot of the reality TV show Big Brother...I am with the same people all day long, and alliances have been made and broken...haha
Last weekend we stayed at a church and got to know some of the young people there, the three guys in the picture showed us around the city and we drank mate in the park!
On Monday we leave the city for good and will not return until the end of February for our graduation...
What are my plans after this??? Who knows! haha I know that doesnt give my parents peace of mind, but I am not too worried, I am sure I will figure somthing out in these next weeks.
I dont know when I will be getting to a computer anymore, I may blog, and I may not - but I still for surley would love emails!
ciao for now
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