Friday, October 06, 2006

Why am I here?

For years now I have been telling people that "I want to get into journalism..." But what does that even mean? How can I say that I am passionate about somthing I have never done before?...On one of my flights here a man from montreal started up an interesting conversation with me. He wasn't very old - in his thirties perhaps - and through his thick accent I could tell that he was very culterally aware. We talked about travel, family, work, politics, religion - you name it and we talked about it...well, as deep as you can go with a complete stranger. He gave me his opinion on journalists, about how it's so important for them to follow a moral code of ethics. It's too easy to be swayed away from the truth by what is popular at the moment. Journalists have an important job, to record history as it happens...Since arriving in Buenos Aires I have come to a few conclusions about what I need to do while I am here. First, I need to write as much as possible, writing things as they happen. I don't think that I want to be a "writer," but being skilled at communicating with others is crucial. Secondly, I need to figure out what I stand for, what my opinions are...not saying somthing that is cliche or acceptable...but knowing where I stand on different issues and being able to back those up. Finally, I am here to commit everything that I am and everything that I will ever be, to God. He is the reason I am here, and He is what will bring clarity to how I can best use my life to serve him.
Well, I am not too sure if these muddled thoughts made any sense...but that is all I have right now.



Blogger Superhero Deb said...

Hey Ash!!
wow, you really have your head screwed on! its one of the things i admire about you. sounds like you know what you need to do to get closer to your goals and to the life God has in store for you. I totally agree, the key is to surrender to God. When we do that He can take us places we never dreamed of going. And plus He made us, so He knows better then us what we are capable of and what we are passionate about. Also as you learn, who you are and what you stand for. God's Word can guide you a lot. I find much of God's Word reveals God's love for us and knowing how loved and valuable humans are to God, colours much of our moral values.
keep us posted on how you grow and learn!
love ya!

8:56 AM


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