What do you get when you put five girls from five different countries together in one room??? You get one mother of a mess dorm!...sooo ya, my mom would be surprised but I am by far the tidiest person here...AND I am probably the one who packed the least... take Mariel for example...she brought fourteen pairs of shoes, six bags, and shirts and pants that she has never even worn before!

I always thought I was really fashionable...im not really, actually compared to some I am almost tom-boy...I alway thought I was fairly "artistic" but there are photographers and drawers and writers here...I have often been the "funny/sarcastic" person in groups of friends....but people keep making the jokes on me!!!! (which doesnt usually happen!!!!) So all the labels I have ever used to identify myself with have already been taken, which leaves me just being me. I am okay with that, but it does leave a person feeling pretty vulnerable...but I guess thats one of the reasons why I am here - to figure out who I am in a completely unfamiliar evironment.
later gater
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
3:30 PM
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